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  • Willem Lammers, MSc, DPsych, TSTA, is the creator and developer of Logosynthesis®. He is a psychologist, a licensed psychotherapist, and a consultant to people and organizations. He is also the founding director of ias, a leading training institute for workplace counseling, as well as the Institute for Logosynthesis in Switzerland.

    Willem has been working on the boundaries of body, mind and spirit since the beginning of his career. He trained in bioenergetics, TA, hypnotherapy, NLP, EMDR, and energy psychology. He is a gifted psychotherapist, a skillful teacher and an experienced trainer. Since 2005, he created and developed Logosynthesis®, an amazing new system for healing and personal development. He developed a coherent conceptual model and easy-to-use methods for coaching, counseling, and psychotherapy. Willem wrote numerous articles and books, which were translated in six languages.

    Willem likes to travel. He offers lectures and workshops in many countries. You find a summary of his current activities here.

    Dr. Willem Lammers co-founded LIA, the Logosynthesis International Association, and acts currently as its honorary president.

    In 2018, Willem received the prestigious Award of ACEP, the Association of Comprehensive Energy Psycholog,y for his major contribution to the field.